appearanceacceptancecherryreassurance2025 in-and-out

ꕤ˚ date feb 04 2025

emoji 2025 in and out ( + in ) positivity, resilience, acceptance of growing pains, gratitude for the love that surrounds me, ethos, forgiveness ( - out ) negativity, late-night ponders, fright of novelty, excessive thirst for external validation, troubled skin, fear of others' perception, back pains, chest pains

2025 principles move towards instead of away / build sustainable connections and prioritize networking / zoom out, view through a macroscopic lens before getting baffled and eaten into / beautiful things start out ugly / you don’t have a lot of time / collaborate more / only way out is through

2025 value ( nuance ) not perceiving things ‘either-or’ ( creativity ) stress coping method

inspired by
evy's manifesto (
omar's list of principles (
ali labelle's in-and-out list (

ꕤ˚ date jan 29 2025

emoji this block of words is going to be about my reassurance ritual. getting lost in my own thoughts has been one of my most evil nemeses throughout my lifetime. impulsive, intrusive thread of thoughts often lead me to envision very unpleasant images and foreboding scenarios that constantly had me disheartened... since i was very young, even the slightest sensory elements have triggered me. and once it starts, my head becomes a razed pawnshop. i feel like an unattended vehicle of many years that was handed over as collateral. i look at my hollow self and run my fingers through my lackluster hair. when it happens, i look so ugly... i look into my mirror. i want to catch some sleep, but when sleeping becomes more difficult than ever, writing a whole thesis would seem more reasonable. so throughout years, i developed my reassurance ritual. it's really nothing so brilliant... first i'm going to stop staring back at myself in the mirror. i close my eyes for ten full seconds. count the numbers if you can. i take a warm shower. then, i drink a cold jug of water. i'm half way done. i'm in my process of falling back in love with my life. now that i've sanitized myself, i read words that soothe me. there are typical blogs and spaces i am fond of. i read those. i reread. then i turn off my laptop and impulse buy something online - wait - no! now calm down and get some rest that you deserve. i wake up. the ritual has not fully gone through its cycle yet. i try to compliment at least five people, regardless of whether it's online or irl. i drink a hot cup of coffee. if i feel extra generous, i serve myself a very sweet matcha latte. if these things won't bring me back to my joyous state, i get help from proper medication.

ꕤ˚ date jan 28 2025

emoji merry, merry, take a cherry; mine are sounder, mine are rounder, mine are sweeter. for the eater, when the dews fall. and you’ll be fairies all. – emily dickinson

poem retrieved from
maplebear's blog (

ꕤ˚ date jan 28 2025

emoji a river flows without remorse for its path. those who cease to move cannot feel their chains...

ꕤ˚ date jan 20 2025

emoji my impressions regarding this wordage: deceptive. collective obsession. desire. a fascinating instrument that is socially constructed in order to embellish oneself. unending moral questioning. in no way quintessential. corrosion of mind. a reason of admiration. sweet like honey. infliction. a quest to a pounding heart.

𐙚 till next time when my thoughts are enough collected to be written_