⌞ button wall & misc ⌝

here are some additional notes

(1) image hosting site: catbox
(2) coded with: vscode, codepen
(3) resource credits: cursor from mf2fm, emoji from middlepot, icons from shirousa_gi, pixel insights from various sozai webs
(3-1) background music: spring – saint etienne
(3-2) font used: trebuchet ms, verdana, courier, tahoma, mamemoji, mini-wakuwaku
(4) my code and my works are not perfect, but i spent considerable time working on this personal project. you are free to look at my code, but copying is prohibited.
(5) i started learning to code in december. this webpage began as a passion project on jan 2 2025, and i'm thrilled about all the possibilities ahead.
(6) main content: text-based elements (e.g., journal, diary)
(6-1) journal and diary: a diary is a record of daily experiences and events as they happen. on the other hand, a journal is a personal and intimate record of your thoughts, observations, ideas, etc.

helpful links, highly recommendedyou'll get the gist of why i've created this place if you delve into these articles, probably